

Alzheimer’s Disease Spreading Faster Via Biosolids, Reclaimed Water

Posted on  by Gary Chandler

Neurological Disease Becoming The Leading Cause Of Death

Approximately 44 million people around the world already have Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. It’s the fastest-growing cause of death in the world. Thanks to misdiagnoses and misinformation, we don’t understand the full scope of the tidal wave that’s hitting millions of new victims every year.
Alzheimer’s disease is a member of an aggressive family of neurodegenerative diseases known as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)The operative word is “transmissible.” In fact, new research from Duke University indicates that caregivers of those with dementia are six times more likely to contract the disease than people who are not caregivers. That number will prove to be much higher.

The TSE epidemic represents an environmental nightmare that threatens every mammal on Earth. Related diseases are killing wildlife and livestock around the world. Marine mammals also are vulnerable.
Alzheimer's disease cause
Alzheimer’s disease is the fastest growing cause of death in the world. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is part of the same epidemic.

TSEs include Alzheimer’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, mad cow disease and chronic wasting disease in deer. Few, if any, mammals are immune. There is no cure and there is no species barrier.

TSEs are caused by a deadly protein called a prion (PREE-on). Prion disease is unstoppable and the pathogen spreads through bodily fluids and cell tissue. Prions linger in the environment, homes, hospitals, nursing homes, dental offices, restaurants and many other places infinitely. They migrate, mutate, multiply and kill with unparalleled efficiency. Thanks to modern sewage disposal practices, prions are building up in our water supplies. They also are contaminating our crops, parks and yards.
Prions defy all attempts at sterilization and inactivation. Victims of the disease can spread the disease even further via bodily fluids and cell tissue. Victims often are contagious long before they appear sick. Their saliva, urine, blood and feces help spread the pathogen further as they struggle to survive.
Dr. Stanley Prusiner earned a Nobel Prize in 1997 for identifying, naming and studying deadly prions. President Obama awarded Prusiner the National Medal of Science in 2010 to recognize the importance of his research. The importance of his research continues to unfold.
Stanley Prusiner Alzheimer's disease research
President Obama presents The National Medal of Science to Dr. Prusiner in 2010 for his research on prion disease, which includes Alzheimer’s disease.
In June 2012, Prusiner confirmed that Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and even ALS are prion diseases similar, if not identical, to CJD in people, mad cow disease in livestock and chronic wasting disease in wildlife. The variations in disease progression could be due to genetics in the patients or mutations in the prion, not different diseases entirely. Prion disease is prion disease.
Although there are many factors contributing to the prion disease epidemic, many lethal pathways are being mismanaged around the globe. As such, we are recycling the pathogen that causes Alzheimer’s right back into our food and water. We’re dumping these killer proteins on crops, parks, golf courses, ski areas and school grounds. Rain and irrigation spread them throughout our communities and watersheds. We’re dumping prions into our food and water supplies with foolish sewage management practices.
sewage sludge and Alzheimer's disease
Sewage sludge dumped in the mountains of Washington state. Streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and groundwater are contaminated by rain water that makes contact with the sludge and its runoff. Washington State has the highest rate of Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. and possibly the entire world (photo via Richard Honour).

