
恭賀《 Stop Alzheimer's Now! 》獲得 2012年美國 「鸚鵡螺圖書獎銀牌 (Nautilus Book Award Silver Medal Winner)」

恭賀《 Stop Alzheimer's Now! 》獲得 2012年美國 「鸚鵡螺圖書獎銀牌 (Nautilus Book Award Silver Medal Winner)」

Nautilus Book Award 官方宣佈網址

The Nautilus Book Awards are presented annually to honor those books which are judged to be the most influential in promoting positive changes in the world and inspiring independent thinking, personal growth, improved wellness, and social change for the better.

鸚鵡螺圖書獎(Nautilus Book Award)每年頒發一次,以表彰那些對於世界上有提升正面積極改變最具影響力和鼓舞人心獨立思考、個人成長、改善健康和對於促進社會變革有更好影響力的書籍。

